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After a Move

Going Across the Province to Join the Rest of the Radical Homemaker Collective

Piercing Moon Creations was always a place for me to blog, but it has always been on and off. I have never really stuck to the blog side of things and now I begin again. Hopefully not to quit once more. I enjoy writing and am currently exploring some stories that I would like to share on my website, either as a small novel to purchase or as a short story of inspiration. That is what Piercing Moon Creation has always been about, sharing my inspirations that have turned into creations. Things that cannot stay in my mind any longer and belong in the tangible world.

Now though, Piercing Moon Creations has strayed into another more solid passion of mine, artwork. I love to paint with watercolour and every time I pick up my paintbrush a new idea strikes me and a new method of painting intrigues me. I paint as much as I can, whenever I have the motivation. Sometimes though, motivation eludes me and I have to push myself to draw or paint at least one thing.

Recently I painted a Blueberry Lizard. It was not my best work, it was not even an idea that had been stewing in my mind for a long time. It just popped into my mind and I thought, ‘This is it, paint now, just go and don’t stop’. So, I sat for a whole day and painted. I had not painted in a month and I had to push myself to get going. I am glad I did. I am glad I put the image of a Blueberry Lizard, inspired by a ball of yarn on my site, onto paper. I had never drawn a lizard, or any reptile for that matter, their beauty has been stunning me. Yet, I sat down at the art desk and I drew. The rest of the Radical Homemaker collective leaving me to my madness of blue and green paint covering my hands and arms.

Blueberry Lizard, based on Blueberry Lizard yarn

It is good to be back home in the Ottawa Valley. While I lived in Thunder Bay I learned a lot and I lived a lot. It was tiring though. Coming back home I felt some relief that I would have a bit of time to recuperate and relax. Although not to relax too much. As Piercing Moon Creations is not my main source of income I am looking to supplement my living cost as much as possible. In the end though, Piercing Moon Creations is what I love to do, it is what I want to do. It pulls me back anytime I am feeling emotional or sad. It gives me something to work with and it gives me an object that is solely mine. I made it, I created it and I can create other things. Piercing Moon Creations is a savior in many ways because it has allowed me to continue to express myself when words cannot do the trick.

Now I have joined with the Radical Homemaker Collective and taken them onto my site so that their voices may also be heard through the various homemade items they create. For all of us here, creating and working with our hands calms the mind, reconnects us to our spirit and allows us to express ourselves in ways that are uncommon but still vitally important in society. So, let us tell you our stories be it by art, fibre, clay or the written word. It is all here on the site and we are all working together.

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